Owners. Leaders.
Chances are that you know someone from one of the >100 firms that we work with. So we are pretty much already friends of friends. We’re going to guess that you have some things in common with them too. Perhaps you are the owner of an Accounting, Financial Planning or Multidisciplinary firm with a revenue of say $500K to $15M. Perhaps you want more fees, fewer clients, better holidays, less people issues, more certainty, more fun, fulfilment, less stress, more friends and time to hit the gym, running track, course or court. We get it. And we get to help people, like you, take the right action to craft the business and the life that they want every day.
Your success is our purpose
Sustainable. Fee for service. Yep, they’re buzzwords in the financial planning business, but these concepts are genuinely the future of profitable planning. Our team is experienced in directing transitions that reap rewards by enabling our clients’ planning teams to efficiently deliver consistently high-quality service and advice you can be proud of. Our expertise includes pricing, process, client profiling, client value proposition articulation, business planning, attracting, retaining and rewarding your team. We have no ulterior motives and nothing to sell but for our wisdom and experience in building better advice businesses.
Who is your favourite client? What if you had a business that was overwhelmingly servicing clients that looked just like that? We’ll help you develop a clear vision encompassing the professional value you add, articulating it and achieving team engagement. We’ll also help you identify ideal clients who’ll appreciate your value and gladly pay for your expertise. Oh and it kind of feels like the war for talent is ON, so let’s be leaders in this space not with beanbags and pingpong tables but with respect, opportunities and processes to maintain a sustainable and positive performance culture.
Multi-disciplinary Firms.
Your clients want more. More integration of their accounting, financial planning, finance and legal services. We can help you provide a seamless experience for them. Our team can guide yours in developing an integrated service offering that allows you to capitalise on every opportunity. We work with some of the top performing integrated financial services businesses in the country, in fact, our coaches have built and sold a number of them. If you have an underperforming division or if the integration is more in theory than in practice, if you’re struggling with the systems or margins, or bringing your team and leaders along on the ride then we are your people.