
Merge & grow.

In this webinar, we look at why a firm should consider an acquisition strategy, the benefits & pitfalls, and how to fund the acquisition.


With Melissa Voss

Episode 53.

In this episode we talk with Melissa Voss about her career in public accounting and her interest in process improvement.


With Michael Spinks

Episode 52.

In this episode we get to know Slipstream Group’s latest coach, Michael Spinks.


With Matt Wilkinson

Episode 51.

In this episode we talk with Matt Wilkinson of Bizink about websites that work.


Building an efficient factory that really hums.

In the webinar Sharon McClafferty and Paul Little discuss how to get your Factory humming.


Building an ongoing service that clients value.

During this webinar Sharon McClafferty and Paul Little cover building and delivering an efficient ongoing service.


With Melissa Voss

Episode 50.

In this episode we talk with Melissa Voss of FuseWorks about working smarter using technology in one’s firm.


With Dr Richard Brandon

Episode 49.

In this episode we talk with Dr Richard Brandon of Immunexpress about working from home long term.


Seize the day.

Watch the seize the day webinar recording.


With Steve Bakker

Episode 48.

In this episode we talk with Steve Bakker about technology issues likely to arise when your team is working from home.


Business and client contingency planning.

Watch the business and client contingency planning webinar recording.


With Kearin Lowry

Episode 47.

In this episode we talk with Kearin Lowry about critical HR issues which are presenting during the Coronavirus crisis.