
Episode 51.

“Websites that work” a conversation with Matt Wilkinson

In this episode we talk with Matt Wilkinson of Bizink about websites that work.

Episode 51 – “Websites that work” a conversation with Matt Wilkinson

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Amongst a range of interesting topics, we discuss the role one’s website plays as part of an overall marketing program; the respective importance of content and design of a website; having “hero content” on your site, together with common mistakes and misconceptions.

Matt also shares some interesting observations about “vanity metrics”; the benefits of having “hero content” on your site and how to be relevant to the core market that you are seeking to attract to your firm.

Throughout the discussion, Matt also shares some powerful opinions about websites, such as “You don’t need to be different. You just need to be good” and to be extremely wary about “SEO experts” who may promise much but deliver little. He is also very insightful with respect to one’s overall marketing strategy, sharing that consistency trumps creativity and that accountants often under budget for marketing activities.

We also put Matt in the “driver’s seat”, being a six-month secondment as marketing manager to a professional services firm just like yours. His responses may surprise you!

References arising during the interview

  1. In the interview Matt referred to a complimentary website audit which Bizink provides. To take advantage of this outstanding opportunity, refer to: https://bizinkonline.com/website-audit/
  2. The incredibly valuable marketing report Matt also mentioned during the interview can be located at: https://bizinkonline.com/accounting-marketing-report-2019/
  3. The book Matt mentioned he’s been reading lately is Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari.



Email: matt@bizinkonline.com

Phone: For Matt (or Andrea Major), call Aus 02 8006 4755 / NZ 03 669 0775

Web: www.bizinkonline.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mattbizink


Email: scott@slipstreamgroup.com.au

Phone: 0409 870 330

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/scottcharlton

Web: www.slipstreamgroup.com.au


Facebook: The Backstick Agenda (Please go and like the page)

Website: www.thebackstickagenda.com

To see film clips and to hear Tim’s music: www.thebackstickagenda.bandcamp.com

(To purchase Tim’s music, you need to register on Bandcamp before you can download.)

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