Talent development
In this episode Scott Charlton talks about talent development.

Episode 4 – Talent Development
Scott talks about making the most of the human resources in a company. He gives an insight about making an action development strategy and obstacles in the way and how to handle them.
Talent development also includes building resilience for when the team members go on holidays or leave you altogether, there’s a group of people who would be interested in stepping up and proving themselves.
Outsourcing can go from a person doing a few hours of work from their home to a full on commercial enterprise going in a country. Outsourcing enables you to use your overall capability and there is a whole new world out there in terms of support functions. It complements the things that you have chosen to do in house.
Email: scott@slipstreamgroup.com.au
Phone: 0409 870 330
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/scottcharlton