
Episode 22.

Lighting up your accounting firm with Guy Pearson

In this episode we talk with Guy Pearson of Practice Ignition about lighting up your accounting firm.

Episode 22 – Lighting Up Your Accounting Firm with Guy Pearson

Available now on:

Amongst a range of interesting topics, we discuss smarter ways of getting paid and other technology efficiencies.

Guy also shares some interesting aspects of how he developed his own accounting firm. There were a range of specific initiatives he took which appealed to his target market whilst internally, he led the way in developing a culture which doesn’t stand on ceremony.

All in all this interview contains plenty for practitioners, particularly accountants, to absorb and then apply in their own firms.


Guy has kindly provided links to some excellent resources on matters associated with what we talk about during the interview –


Email: guy@practiceignition.com
Phone: 0401 102 606
Web: www.practiceignition.com
Twitter: @guy_pearson @ignitionapp @interactiveaccg
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/guypearson1/


Email: scott@slipstreamgroup.com.au

Phone: 0409 870 330

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/scottcharlton

Web: www.slipstreamgroup.com.au

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