
Hottest 100 testimonials.

Putting together our new website we realised we had a crazy number of testimonials to choose from so here are our top 100 testimonials!

If you feel like your testimonial is missing then please reach out because we would love to add it in!

If you are reading the messages below and are interested in the outcomes and results, then book here to have a 1-1 meeting about YOUR situation and YOUR business. As you can see below we LOVE business and are grateful to be in a position to help.

1. Matt Gardiner, Notion Five

"Our coach is Scott Charlton, Scott is probably one of the greatest mentors that I've had in a 30-year business career. He cares deeply about what we do. He not only asks us questions and challenges us around the things that we should do, as a good coach would, but he always offers support. He checks back in regularly and he has always got a suggestion about how you may go about something. His depth of experience is outstanding but his level of care is even higher than that. The investment we've made in Slipstream has paid itself back several times."

2. Martin McGrath, Financial Edge Group 

“I first heard of Slipstream through a financial planning podcast where Sharon was a guest. She was talking about the Slipstream process and methodology and I was blown away by the ideas and the passion she talked about.

I reached out and was taken through a session with both Sharon and Ryan was excited by the ideas and opportunities they had for me and my business and I jumped at the chance to work with Slipstream.

Being introduced to Paul, I knew we connected right away. After my first session, I was confident I was in the right space. Mapping out a plan for my path for the future became a lot clearer to help me not only achieve my financial but life goals.

After my 2nd planning session with Paul my whole 12 months of coaching fees were recovered with 1 pricing strategy for a client. Paul took the time to not only encourage me but guide me through the biggest pricing discussions I ever had. The result was the largest SOA fee I have ever charged and my largest annual ongoing client.

The process continued from there with further defining our ideal client and client value proposition and going through Project uplift. The result of which has seen our average ongoing advice fee double.

I feel my journey has only started but I know with confidence already that this impact will change my life forever."

3. Luke Rathborne, Fortitude Private Wealth

"You have to engage the best possible people in your life to help you get from A to B. With your business you need the best people and Slipstream have been an amazing group to involve in our business journey and we would not be a fraction of where we are now without them. We’ve loved the journey!"


4. Natalie Lennon, Two Sides Accounting 

“It will be the best thing you ever do.”

5. Jacqui Sherlock, Sherlock Wealth 

"I’d hate to think where we would be if we hadn’t hired Slipstream. It’s been a game changer for us and our business! 

Through the uplift strategy we were able to reduce our client numbers by 2/3 and yet triple our profitability. In addition, we now deliver much more targeted advice and service to the clients that we have, which has led to a big increase in referrals.


The way we run our business has also significantly changed. We know our numbers and targets, have great meeting rhythms and a wonderful team and culture. We even have recruiters phoning in with people wanting to come and work for us!

Andrew and I enjoy a much better life overall and enjoy our clarity of focus and vision. In our five years of partnership with Slipstream, we’ve had the benefit of working closely with Scott, Phill and Michael. All the coaches have brought something different to the table and have been there for us when we have a query or problem to work through.

My advice would be don’t overthink it - just do it! Your business and your life will be better.”

6. Nikki Mackenzie, Wardle Partners

"It's taken 16 years to finally feel like we are in control thanks to Slipstream."


7. Patricia Garcia, Your Vision Financial Solutions 

"Slipstream and Paul Little have been amazing in supporting our business. The one-on-one coaching and the group meetings are a massive value add and we are thrilled to have partnered with such a quality coaching company to guide our business through the ups and downs of managing and growing a business."

8. Luke Naughtin, Cygnet Group

“Don't contemplate whether or not you can afford to do it, think about whether you can afford not to do it!”

9. Brett Hansen, Hansens

“Biggest outcome for us was the first time ever in a business that I have been a part of, which is nearly 20 years, is that we have had a six-figure sum sitting in our bank account."

10. Linda Crawford, LCA Accounting   

"In November2017 I contacted Scott via Linked In.  I had known Scott for many years, and I was drowning in my business and thought I’d reach out to Scott to see if he knew anyone who could give me some support. Well you never guessed it –he did know someone.  Within a week I was in Sydney at my Breakaway meeting. I was so overwhelmed at Day One of the Breakaway I nearly didn’t go back to Day Two.  I’m so pleased I did. In 2017 I had 10 staff, I had a lot of debtors, I had no cash flow, and I was working 15-hour days, 7 days a week, often not having enough cash flow to take a wage. I had no system as to when clients’ work was done or what my staff were expected to do.  I was doing all my own administration and wages and 60% of all the processing of the work that came in and seeing 100% of the clients face to face. I had no idea what AHR was or why it was important. What a surprise I wasn’t coping. 2 ½ years down the track:

  • We have 10 team members – and I say team members as they are not staff. They are on our Team.
  • We have a team bus – a Yellow Energy Bus - to be on that bus you have to work as a team and support each other
  • We have a practice manager/ factory manager who does all our admin, wages and manages all the workflow of jobs in and out of our office. She works remotely and has regular Zoom meetings with the team.
  • We have a dedicated BAS team that control all the BAS/IAS processing.
  • We have 80% of our clients on agreed fees payable monthly in advance spaced out on the 1st, 7th, 14th and 21stof the month so we always have cash flow. 
  • We have no debtors over 30 days.
  • We have cash flow.
  • All business clients are scheduled in so they know when we expect their work into our office. We know how many jobs we can get out each month
  • We plan to have all jobs out in 10 working days from when they arrive. We track this regularly.
  • Every business client is emailed a personalised checklist of the things they need to bring in one month before their work is expected in the office.

I cannot thank Scott, Sharon, Phil and Samantha so much for their guidance and support over the last 2 ½ years. The Slipstream experience CHANGED MY LIFE… Thank you."

11. Peter Johnson, Advisers Digest

"These guys are massively credited with how my business is traveling. Thank you so much Slipstream."

12. Leah Oliver, Minnik Chartered Accountants 

"I just liked Slipstream from the very first moment. They genuinely care about me and my team and my business and that’s the feeling we get with Slipstream. The only thing that they have said to me that I don’t believe is that I won’t need them forever. I can’t thank Slipstream enough for what they have done for me and my business."

13. Adam Dierselhuis, O'Connells OBM 

"I’m glad I just jumped in. I didn’t think about, and I didn’t hesitate. I think if you take that approach then you won’t regret it. If I had ‘ummed’ and ‘ahhed’ we wouldn’t be where we are today."


14. Sue Voss, Robinson Voss Partners

"Slipstream have absolutely delivered for us. They’re genuine, they’re passionate about what they do, and they go above and beyond any coaching we’ve done previously.

Everyone needs a coach or a mentor. Scott has the business tuns on the board as well as amazing coaching experience, sincerity and passion."

15. Garry Anderson, A+ Business Advisors 

"We actually took a holiday from coaching. For two or three years we thought we could do it ourselves and for those two or three years we stagnated, we did nothing. And we weren’t accountable to anyone. So, we joined Slipstream and we are kicking goals. Results speak for themselves. Slipstream have given us the confidence to go out there and go and get those bigger clients. Also giving us the systems in place giving us the encouragement and making us accountable."

16. Jeremy Swan, 
Cygnet Group

"We went to the breakaway as part of our ongoing coaching journey. Two days isn't a big cost when you walk away with a plan that could literally change your life.”

17. Ben Elliott, KHT Accounting & Wealth

"Must be done. Pure Gold."

18. Hayden Ross, Pacesetter Financial Services

"I’ve engaged with a number of coaches in the past, and the advice has always been charge more, market more, delegate more.  They are all obvious comments, and things all advisers would want to do, but what has been distinctly lacking is the ‘how’ and ‘why’.  Then I met Phil and he very quickly diagnosed the same issues in my business.  What came next however made all the difference. 


We firstly spent plenty of time setting clear direction of where we were trying to get to.  Then we’d go through each of the issues and Phil would say “this is how you do it.”  With each of those issues he was able to simplify and de-mystify topics such as fee models, workflow and marketing.  Every time there is an issue, I raise with Phil, he would bring it back to the vision and then the building block of the business that was the cause of the issue, and ultimately the solution.  For example, our fee model was something our firm had grappled with for 10 years, but with Phil we had nutted out a model and a plan for applying it across the client base in a couple of hours.

For me Slipstream have helped me move from a perspective where I felt the business was controlling me to a point where I am now in control.  There continue to obstacles to deal with but now I feel Slipstream have given us a very strong framework to handle these and drive the business forward, and for that I will be forever grateful.  The financial performance of my business is undoubtedly stronger, but more importantly for me the intrinsic benefits have been profound.  The cream on the top with the Slipstream coaching program is that we have been able to meet and engage with a range of fantastic businesses and people who are all dealing with similar issues and have been able to learn from each other to greatly improve together."

19. Rohan Wills, Hansens 

"The thing I love about our Slipstream Coach the most is he’s sat in the hot seat himself. 'There is no “I haven’t been in business.” He’s done what we’re doing. He understands the challenges that we face. To me, he just gets it. That’s the great thing about Slipstream that they understand your business. I think sometimes our coach gets more joy out of our successes than we do."


20. Krys Canny-Smith, Canny Group 

"Do it sooner rather than later. I wish I had joined 12 months ago."

21. Gavin Smith, Smith Shearer

"Sharon, amazing to watch Slipstream Connect and see you still haven’t lost an ounce of passion for the industry and your clients! Thanks to Phil for your positivity balanced with a healthy dose of reality – you have helped us immensely."

22. Anne Williamson, Ord Minnett 

"Phil is amazing! He is always available and is there to give us constructive criticism when needed. Our business is moving forward more quickly than we expected and we would not have done that without his help. We needed the external review and business plan to map our future. He also can explain an issue we’ll spend way too long on, perhaps because he’s been there previously as well."

23. John Sciacca, Sciacca's Accountants

“Have a chat to Sharon to make your accounting business count and absolutely smash it's potential!”

24. Andy Gild, Bicycles for Humanity Melbourne

"We have woken up to this and to say we are blown away is an understatement. You and your clients raised $15,850 yesterday. We continue to admire your work and commitment to empowering others along the way and we are so very grateful for the ongoing support. We could not achieve what we all do alone and your and your community's contribution will continue to assist in making a huge impact to those we ALL support."

25. Rodney Rossi, q4 financial 

"Slipstream Group and our coach, Paul have helped our business to become more focused, guided us through difficult decision making and helped execute key projects."

26. Justin Searle, ClearVision Accountancy Group

"It's difficulty for clients to run their business on their own. It's the same for us. It's been great to have so much support from Scott & the Slipstream team."

27. Mike Sikar, Delta Financial Group 

"Having Phil and the Slipstream team as my coach has significantly improved the quality of my life. We do things like setting 3 cool projects every 90 days which has been a game changer for my business and mindset. My coach Phil holds me accountable and gives me practical support and advice every step of the way and I really enjoy being a part of the community. I highly recommend you speak to the Slipstream team if you want to get more out of life and your business."


28. Shane Kouros, Cornerman Accounting & Advisory 

"I am so glad I took the Slipstream journey. Loved it and still loving it."


29. Naomi Rosenthal, Professional Wealth Services

"The calibre of coaches at Slipstream is pretty awesome. They deliver an essential element that you just cannot find within your own business."


30. Scott Barber, O’Connells OBM 

“Scott Charlton recently delivered an ID profile identification session for our team. The engaging way that this was presented to the team was very different to anything I had in mind when I thought “personality” or “strength” finding session and has led to a huge boost in our ability to understand each other and work better as a team.”

31. Justin Flavel, Omnis Group 

“Just do it. The benefits you receive by actually planning makes a huge difference.”


32. Grant Titman, q4 financial

“If you are looking for ideas to take your business to the next level and you want accountability around this, Slipstream is for you.”

33. Adrian McPhee, Wealth Seekers

"It's clear that the team at Slipstream truly understand and appreciate what it takes to build a successful financial planning business. The breakaway is an excellent opportunity to share in that wealth of knowledge and experience, and develop a clearly defined plan of what your business can and should achieve in the years ahead."

34. Jenny Brown, JBS Financial

"Life is good at JBS, you guys really made such a difference in our lives. You have just changed our business forever.”


35. Sue Mackenzie-Smith, DLA Partners 

"Our participation in Slipstream Group has kept us accountable and will see us this year having our BEST YEAR EVER..."

36. John Heckenberg, Heckenberg Accounting 

“Pretty sure partnering with Slipstream Coaching is the best business decision I’ve ever made. Onward and upward and many thanks to the Slipstream team!"

37. Shane Kouros, Make Cents Accounting 

"My business has changed already and so have I. The coaching has boosted my energy and got me refocused on my business. Currently I am sitting in a client's office in the middle of Ibiza. Once again a big thank you to you."

38. Gavin Lamb, Navigate Advisors

"Better than business changing... life changing. 1 year in with Slipstream... a trip down memory lane:

  • behind in reviews
  • stress at all levels in the business from admin, paraplanners, advisers and management alike
  • genuine key person risk - either maternity or resignation has me worried

And the current reality:

  • 100% compliance with reviews, FDS and Opt-in
  • significantly more revenue
  • 20% increase in capacity
  • org structure and people strategy in place
  • landing more ideal clients
  • one on mat leave and one on sick leave and I’m super calm and have confidence in my team to deliver."

39. Shane Martin, SMARTIN Financial Services        

"I just follow the system and it works! I was incredible nervous with the first 3-4 but I'm all over it now. More importantly, I feel so much more connected with those 26 clients. I can feel myself becoming a better adviser for them. I can honestly say you and the Slipstream Coaching Team have helped me recover from what I felt was a very messy work breakup! Being here has been the BEST rebound relationship ever! I can finally breathe!! The environment is supportive, open and fun. There is a very strong focus on doing the right and the best thing for the clients and for the team and I love how quick we move but with a purpose and clear focus. THANK YOU! I'm excited about being part of a business that has good people, doing great things to change people's lives.”

40. Trent Burrows, Platinum Financial

"Don't hesitate. DO IT NOW! It will change your business."

41. Jason McFadden, JPM Financial Planning

“Our clients outsource their financial commitments to a trusted adviser who care what’s important to them and this workshop goes towards helping me help them achieve their success.”

42. Gavin Lamb, Navigate Advisors 

“Sat down with Phil and he just cut to the chase and solved a problem I was so freaked out about in about 30 seconds. I can honestly say I know Phil has been there and done that and it is evidenced by the sharp insight that he’s been able to provide into our business.”

43. Shaneel Pforr, New Wave Accounting

"Highly recommend, listen and take as much away with you as you can!”

44. Denis Harrington, FM Financial 

"Just do it! Bring the critical people in your business with you."

45. Natalie Lennon, Two Sides Accounting

"Slipstream gave me the confidence to change my way of thinking and not be afraid to "Be Bold." I have been able to grow my business at an exponential rate of over 100% in 6 months which is HUGE! Thanks, Slipstream, for literally changing my life!"

46. Rachel Caldwell, Hart Accountants

 "Even if you think you're doing ok, are profitable and successful - Slipstream really delivers on how you can still improve and grow more."

47. Dena Ballantyne, Hansens

"A valuable and inspiring coaching group that understands and cares for your business."

48. Slipstream team member           

"For the first time in my life, both professionally and personally I feel I have direction.  Being a part of Slipstream has taken me from a life of average admin jobs to a career I love, working with great clients and spending each day fulfilling my why, helping people. On a personal level Sharon and Scott are supportive, caring and challenging. Whose boss really cares if you own a home one day! They do and it’s the most incredible feeling. We are more than a team here; we are family that supports each other in every aspect of our lives, and I can’t be more grateful to be a part of it. Slipstream has truly changed my life, I’ve gone from a mundane life to feeling happy, excited and confident about my future."

49. Megan Dirou, Blackburn Prior

"Don't think twice - the enthusiasm that I have looking forward to what is possible is hard to contain!"

50. Aaron Steer, Collective Wealth Advisers

"It's been really amazing to be involved with a high-quality outfit that is Slipstream. I've learned a hell of a lot and the business we have today is a reflection of our combined efforts."

51. Shannon Norton, Prosper Advisory

"Slipstream provides an important opportunity to step away from the office, plan for the future and realise what's really important for your business."

52. General Manager at Accounting firm        

"I saw you speak at Xerocon 2018 and then again today. I can say that you've changed my life. For the past year, I've been taking Making Memories Mondays with my two little girls. I've reduced my working hours down to 4 days and in the process of that request I got a promotion. I'm more focused at work and I have a year full of Making Memories Mondays. I'm a better Mum and a better team member. Thank you."

53. Peter McKaig, ML Partners

“An absolute must!"

54. Melissa Voss, Fuseworks

"As a business and as an individual I know we would not be where we are/I am right now without your input and guidance. In addition to this I love being able to look over the fence and seeing the great things that Slipstream have achieved and continue to achieve. (Given Slipstream and Fuse are about the same age, it is so comforting to be in such excellent company). No doubt we will continue to work in parallel long into the future. I look forward to the great things to come for both of us."

55. Ross Chapman, CBC Partners

“A must. Eye opening and a real game changer.”

56. Kent McDonald, K2 Wealth

“If you want to take your business to the next level, you must do it – plan to succeed!”

57. Brett Cribb, Stratus Financial Group  

"Scott, I listened to what you said and not sure whether I’ve given you this before. Really you changed my life many years ago. I’d simply call it Resources Unearthed. It led to many things.  How? You encouraged me to develop as a business. Your tools and how to’s are invaluable. Regular accountability you’ve done this for almost 20 years with me. Your assistance in working with our team led me to my business partners. That led to many BHAGS one of which was Double Double.  We’ve now doubled our business over 3 years but that’s more than 10 times what I was when we first started working together. You’ve helped our and my journey. The large driver of our customer acquisition is Resources Unearthed an idea that took your many years of encouragement.  From 5 years ago it has become a way to change our business and my life.  I should have done it when you first suggested! Its been a pleasure to work with you and may there be many more years!"

58. Dom Schuh, Schuh Group 

“The deciding factor of becoming a slipstream client was finding out that my coach had actually run his own business.”

59. Kate Blecich, Notion Five

"Just do it, you won't regret it!”


60. Craig Robinson, Robinson Voss Partners 

"I truly believe that without Scott we’d be wavering and little bit lost. We’re forever indebted. It’s pushed us further then we probably would’ve thought.

We can see some light at the end of the tunnel, and this will well and truly set us apart in the future. We were very excited and rabbited on the entire way home - then knocked off being the Master Business Owners we are!"

61. Chris Blake, YD Financial         

"Over the weekend I was reflecting on the completely different world I live in today in my business compared to pretty much this time 12 months ago (almost to the week). 12 months ago, I was lost. A rudderless ship. I didn’t know what I wanted, where to go or what to change to make that happen. I can speak only positive things about my business now when people ask me how I am doing. I am looking forwards with direction and purpose, rather than backwards with regret, frustration and mostly anger.

I understand there was absolutely nothing magic about what you present or the processes you follow. I realise there is nothing magic about me or my business. There wasn’t something magical missing. It was basics. Basics I feel aren’t talked about or managed well in this industry. The evolution of Financial Advice has been so rapid there has been very little chance for industry wide evolution. I basically see the haves and the have nots. Some have worked it out and others haven’t. They are holding onto the past because it’s the only thing they know.

I don’t want to insult you both by saying there isn’t anything magic about what you do, but there is definitely something magic about how you do it, you have created a magical environment for people to realise their potential. Between your passion and your genuine desire to see people succeed you help them believe in themselves. The process might not be magical but you guys are."

62. Helen Ewing, Hart Accountants

"If you have a team, you need to not only get the profiles done but also have the team session. We did not realise what a benefit the session would have on our culture and preparing us to start the coaching journey with all the team members buy in. Some of the actions that came from the team day resulted in my having the best day at work that I’ve had in over 6 months."

63. Dan McGrath, WLM Financial services    

"It's given me even more passion to keep changing our business with the expert guidance of 'Sergeant Spinks'. It was so good to see the impact you guys have had on other businesses too. We are so glad that we found you guys and signed-up...life changing!"

64. Chris Papayianis, 
Omnia Financial Advisory

“The Breakaway was certainly worth the time and investment to attend. You will work on areas of your business that you know you should but don't.”

65. Brent West, Suntax    

"The Slipstream community is a GREAT group. The collaboration and comradery is unprecedented and something that really appeals to my ideology of business and life. The community is a product of what you have created at Slipstream Group. You have a wonderful Team and we are very grateful for you hard work with us. Our business and our lives are better for having worked with you. THANK YOU."

66. Naomi Rosenthal, Professional Wealth Services

"If you're serious about building a business that gives you the life you deserve, then take the plunge and join."

67. Sean Minetti, Longboard Accountants

“Open your mind to the possibilities. Small wins compound to major changes...”

68. Eleni Michael, Candour Wealth Advice

“Just do it... You will get great content and be surrounded by great quality people and business ideas - it's inspiring.”

69. Slipstream team member           

"I will always remember the past couple years as the year I was bold, I was worthy, and I was memorable - a legacy I will take with me from Slipstream. Working at Slipstream Group has changed my life - it has taught me to be more than I thought I could ever achieve or be professionally and that has carried through to my personal life. Being able to work with and learn from the most legendary group of supportive and fun teammates, assisting and interacting with awesome clients and travelling to stunning locations around Australia and calling it 'work' has been the highlights of my role here at Slipstream."

70. Cameron Forbes, 
Forbes Fava

“It was great having Paul Little come on with the coaching, he has been magnificent."

71. Dianne Cooper, Pacesetter Financial Services

“Two days of planning can eliminate years of going nowhere without direction or a plan.”

72. Partner at accounting firm  

"I saw you speak last year and again today. I wanted to tell you you've changed my life. I realise what's important and respect my time more. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story because it's changed how I approach work, family and life."

73. Fiona Ettles, Accru Group

"I always come away from a Slipstream session reenergised and ready to implement brilliant ideas in our own business (the to-do list from the last meeting was 15 strong!). The sharing culture of the Slipstream team and the members means we are constantly improving or knowing that when we get to that we've got great contacts and guidance already, leading to better outcomes. Thanks Phil and Ashleigh for always delivering exceptional coaching sessions, and to the wider team of Slipstream Group for always encouraging us to be our best."

74. Leschen Smaller, Element Business & Accounting Solutions

"Do it! It starts you on a journey of certainty and clarity."

75. Kym Cassells, 
Cooke & Foley

“You'll never regret the time you spend working ‘on’ the business rather than in it.”

76. Dan Diprose, Gold Seal Finance

"It's worth taking time out of the business to work 'on' the business."

77. Rob O'Donnell, 
Stratogen Financial Planning

“I could not tell you for how many years I've been meaning to write a business plan... Slipstream helped me do it. TICK!”

78. Shannon Smith, Navigate Advisors

“What a great experience...! Slipstream really helped to get the whole management team focussed on what's important for the future of our business."

79. Sarah Stewart, Panorama Business & Financial 

“Invest the time and money... Because you are worth it, and so is your team.”

80. Kelly Chard, GrowthMD

"Slipstream are a group of passionate people who know their stuff. We love working with them and value their business expertise."

81. Peter Caddy, Symes Accountants        

"We are now back in control of our own destiny..."


82. Sue Mackenzie-Smith, DLA Partners       

"I want to sincerely thank you for the last 15 months working with you both. I have learned a lot from you both and have met some great people who have all helped me on my journey to being able to run a growing accounting business. After all the adjustments, we closed the year at a record revenue - a huge effort from all the team."

83. Colin Lea, Carey Group

"I can't advocate enough for how good Sharon and her team of coaches are and the benefits of the Slipstream model. If you undertake the program, you'll ask yourself why you didn't do it years ago."

84. Maddy Briscoe, P+Y

"Very worthwhile to harness your firm's true potential."

85. Rory Byrne, Omnis Group

"Do it! Invest the time to plan and strategize. The accountability factor is hugely productive and networking with other likeminded firms has been incredible."

86. Leah Oliver, Minnik Chartered Accountants  

"I'm about to sign up for an office lease in Norwest Sydney. I'm moving on from the serviced office finally. I wanted to say thank you to you for helping me to make this happen and for giving me the confidence to hire my gorgeous staff. Huge thank you."

87. Rob Layfield, 
Prosper Advisory

"Do it! Change your approach and be better."

88. Josh Pennell, Prosper Advisory

"Scott, Sharon and the team are fantastic coaches. So many ideas, great service, regular follow up and genuinely nice people to work with. They helped us to enhance and improve a whole range of areas in our business, particularly around setting and achieving quarterly goals and targets that were across so many more areas than just our financial targets. They also bring in various other experts as part of their services and the group structure with other similar businesses allows you to learn ideas from others who are in your industry. I would highly recommend them!!"

89. Grant Titman, q4 financial

"Great team of professionals who really care about achieving great outcomes for the people they work with."

90. Leanne Bryand, 
q4 financial

"Even Olympians need a coach! Slipstream challenge your thoughts and offer direction."

91. Sandra Wills, Wealthways 

"The Breakaway workshop exceeded my expectations and has given me an exciting vision of the future, plus a clearly articulated step by step strategy to take us where we want to go."

92. Michael Tadros, Innovative Financial Services

"The workshop has not only revived the passion but has given me a different perspective on how to say and do things, personally and professionally."

93. David Cowling, Roberts & Cowling

"My business partner and I had a meeting with Sharon a few years ago and we are so glad that we did. We were going quite well at the time but with hindsight, that meeting was the catalyst for our firm growing much faster than ever before and us enjoying being business owners more than we had up until that point."

94. Ania Smith, BML Partners

"These guys will help you get to where you want your business to be. They will keep you accountable and give you lots of examples how."

95. Paul Dimech, King & Whittle

"If you are serious about business - you have to attend."

96. Linda Crawford, LCA Accounting 

"We make 90 day plans every 3 months, we have targets and goals, and we have 3 projects a quarter we need to get done. These projects are continually improving our business. I followed the program to the letter of the law. I did every challenge thrown at me even though at times I doubted Scott’s sanity on wanting things done his way. But it worked and I’m eternally grateful to the support along the way."

97. George Andrianakos, The Practice

"An invaluable experience that will provide clarity, direction and motivation. Definitely worth it."

98. Huw Smith, Fortitude Private Wealth

"Looking back at my 4 years so far with Fortitude, it's been such a great experience to be involved with Slipstream. Being encouraged to think like a business owner has permanently changed my thinking and my life for the better, and largely contributed to my decision to become one! Recently, the personal breakaway was one of the best things Mathilde and I have ever done for ourselves."

99. Rohan McPherson, Investment Strategy Partners

“Leave cynicism at the door. Slipstream will help with any attempt to change for the better!”

100. Ryan Addinsall, Elevate

“Money and time well spent. Invaluable if you really want to achieve your goals.”

Are you ready to plan for your best?

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