
Recent client results: double EBIT in 12 months.

A client we've been working with since July 2021, has more profit in the first 9 months of 2021/22 than in 2019/20 and 2020/21 combined.

As the screenshot shows, this client's 12-month EBIT target was $350K and that would have been a massive win relative to past performance. At the 9-month mark, they are at $412K and this is after the two partner salaries which we calculate at $200K each.

There is no magic. No silver bullets. If anything it's about focusing on fewer things. Based on the numbers in one of our coaching groups (8 - 10 firms per group) DOUBLING EBIT IS THE AVERAGE PERFORMANCE!

If you are interested in the outcomes and results, then to have a 1-1 meeting about YOUR situation and YOUR business.

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